Lemon Balm & Lysine Extreme Lip Defense! Quickly heal, soothe and protect! For irritated skin, cold sores, and chapped, raw lips. Helps suppress outbreaks, repairs delicate tissue.
- Gentle and soothing - you can feel the powdered LYSINE and ZINC working in the formula! Daily use formula will keep your lips looking their best. Regular use of topical Lemon Balm and Lysine really does help suppress future outbreaks! Does NOT sting, burn or tingle. Has a soft lemon scent. Handy twist-up lip balm stick.
- 100% NATURAL: Lemon Balm is the most powerful and effective herbal remedy used to treat outbreaks. Lysine is an Essential Amino Acid that your body needs to prevent outbreaks and repair tissue. We use pharma-grade powdered Lysine. Your body can not produce Lysine on it's own, and topical application 'works like magic' to prevent cold sores. Zinc Oxide greatly speeds cellular healing time. Shea Butter and Beeswax provide an awesome moisturizing base that feels amazing and lasts.
- Use every day and say "Goodbye, itchy red bumps". Drug Free Alternative! Safe for children! Proudly Made in the USA in small batches! Note: this product contains powdered Lysine and Zinc Oxide. The unique formula provides cells with the building blocks they need to heal and keep tissues strong.
- Our "most gentle formula" for the treatment of cold sores and other skin ailments. This powerful combination of Lemon Balm (Melissa Leaf) Oil and pharmaceutical grade L-Lysine has been proven to suppress future outbreaks with regular use. A very helpful natural remedy to keep in your pocket, purse, bedside or desk!